
New Year, New Blog.

Hello there.

I’m Jullian. Nice to meet you.

I used to have another blog, named Bulletproof Geek.

If you were a reader of my previous blog, I’m so sorry. I never really got to continue posting on that blog. I was so busy with work and I easily get tired of staring at a computer when I get home. I know there is no excuse for laziness but I haven’t really found new inspiration for blogging ever since I got my inspiration in life. Well, I decided that 2015 would change that.

So here I am, with a new blog. Hopefully this will be the last time I will undergo a transition to a new blog. I will focus on tech stuff and personal experiences. Thus the name:


I wanna blog again. I love blogging. It’s fun! Hopefully you’ll enjoy this.

P.S.: The blog format is a work-in-progress. I may change stuff from time to time. Hope you’ll understand. Thanks! 🙂

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