I was going to talk about another topic this week, but that had to wait. On techieSpeak 004, I talk about embargoes!

A recent video from Mrwhosetheboss talked about how tech companies manipulate the media. An aspect he mentions is the concept of dual embargoes. What on earth is that? And what is an embargo? I talk about what an embargo is, what that “dual embargoes” thing is, and my experience on the subject. There’s even a section here about my thoughts on a Frankie Tech video that talks about companies letting creators break embargoes!
Listen to the episode here!
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That Mrwhosetheboss video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V0lXIK9DZQ
And yes, that Frankie Tech video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTJpIiBwG_g
Here’s a case of where the embargo doesn’t matter at all (from TechLinked): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIq3pcdz4Sw