The Tech Behind Isa Rodriguez!

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There are a lot of people out there creating content lately. Despite the internet speed in PH, we use social media A LOT to share random things. A new breed of content creators pop up lately! With that in mind, I want to know The Tech Behind some of the famous personalities, tech or not.

Meet Isa Rodriguez!

She’s currently the Lifestyle Editor over at GadgetMatch (a site I personally follow). She used to go to law school until her love for blogging and social media prevails! Now she gets to do what she loves so much! I got a chance to have a little interview with this lovely lady and her personality really shined through! Hehe.

URTechie: How did you first get into blogging/vlogging? What made you go for it?

Isa: I grew up without Facebook or all these social media platforms – we had Yahoo Messenger, MIRC, and When I was in highschool, having a blog was just a way to express yourself and tell a story – and I like telling stories. 🙂

URTechie: What inspired you to start blogging/vlogging?

Isa: I guess you could say that I’ve always been interested in expressing myself and this was a way for me to do so.

URTechie: Were you into technology for a long time?

Isa: I’ve always loved the internet and I’ve always been fond of social media but I was never really a “techie” the way other members of the GadgetMatch team are. I do lifestyle-tech content so it works for me. But, I’ve also learned so much tech stuff from the team!

URTechie: What’s your daily driver?

Isa: I still have my iPhone 6S that I use in between review phones.

About GadgetMatch…

URTechie: This one’s a doozy. Favorite GadgetMatch teammate? Why? ?

Isa: Haha! When I first received this email and read it out loud, Chay said, “It’s me, obviously,” so I’m gonna say it’s her. ? No, but really, I love everyone on this team and I think it’s great that we’re all friends and not just colleagues. <3

URTechie: What other gadgets/apps do you use to help in vlogging?

Isa: GadgetMatch uses Sony cameras with other devices that vary depending on the circumstances, or what gadgets we’re writing about at the moment. We have a studio set up at HQ and for remote coverage, we travel with a ton of equipment. Michael Josh, Kevin, Chay, or Rodney would be better able to answer this question – they taught me all I know!

For my personal vlogs, I use whatever phone I’m reviewing to shoot or my FujiFilm X-A3 (the pink one!) and a Joby gorilla pod. Most of us edit on Final Cut Pro.

URTechie: What else do you do besides writing for GadgetMatch?

Isa: I also have a personal vlog! I make videos about the different things I try, places I visit, and the things that happen behind the scenes.

Speaking of her vlog, here’s one on her Dumaguete food trip! (I had to pick this one, Isa! ?)

URTechie: Anything you would like to plug? (Social media, featured video)

Isa: Make sure to make GadgetMatch your daily habit and follow us across all social media platforms! Also, check out for cute and quirky gadgets. Subscribe to my vlog and like my page on Facebook.

A HUGE, HUGE thank you to Isa Rodriguez for taking some time for this despite your busy schedule! This is just the first of The Tech Behind series. Watch out for more soon!

Follow Isa Rodriguez on:

Facebook: Isa Does | Twitter/Instagram: @sisasaid

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