30 For 30: 30 Posts 30 Days.

30 posts 30 days header

If you notice my blog lately, I only post something on it at least once a week. In a way, I feel disappointed in myself. I joined Cebu Content Creators because I really want to level up my blogging. I want to reach the level where I can earn money through blogging! Being too lazy to blog more won’t solve my problems!

So I set out to have 30 Posts 30 Days.

Yes. It sounds intimidating. I could simply not do this, you know. The last time I tried doing this, I already wanted to stop. This time, I really want to do 30 posts 30 days. I want to challenge myself to post more since I really want to improve my blogging.

With that in mind, I want to set a schedule for the content that will pop up on the blog.

Here is my schedule for my posts starting today (at least):

  • Monday-Friday -> Tech News
  • Friday (when possible) -> Gadget Review
  • Saturday -> TechBytes (News Roundup)
  • Sunday -> Tech Opinions/Thoughts

I know that this will be tough but this is a challenge I am willing to do. As proof that I posted on the blog for the day, I will add a link of the post to this post. Guess what? I’m kinda cheating since this will be the first of the 30 posts I will make. Good luck to me.

Post List

– This post!

– 5 Reasons to Get an LG V30!

– LG Q6 – 2017 Smartphone on a Budget!

5 Reasons Why Huawei Overtook Apple in Sales.

– 5 Best Star Wars Gadgets in 2017!

6 –  Apple iPhone 8 Event: 8 Things to Expect!

7 – iPhone X Announced: Apple’s Smartphone Future!

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30 – 

Despite how difficult this could be, I really hope I’ll make it. What do you think about this? Is this a bad idea. Let me know in the comments section below.

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