
CLIC Magnetic Cable Unboxing!

clic magnetic cable unboxing header

I always like a good accessory that brings additional functionality than the usual. Then I found out about the latest from Fine Upgrades: the CLIC Magnetic Cable! I find this interesting because there is a version of the cable that supports iOS devices. If you own an iPhone, then you usually have a difficulty finding affordable Lightning cables. The people over at Fine Upgrades sent me one of those cables for testing. Here’s my CLIC Magnetic Cable unboxing!


clic magnetic cable unboxing

The box of the product itself looks sleek. I think it adds to the premium feel of the product itself. Some accessory makers tend to ignore the packaging since people would throw it away. Good thing that Fine Upgrades made this good to look at. It’s even nice to open since they used magnets. Look!

clic magnetic cable unboxing open window

The instruction manual for the cable is easy to access. With the manual just beside the cable itself, you won’t see paper inside the box. Enough about the box, let’s get that cable out of there!

clic magnetic cable unboxing open

The cable is colored gray and actually can be kept neat with the tie! The actual cable itself is long enough for most scenarios, since it’s a 1.2-meter cable. The way that the magnetic cable attaches to the phone is similar to Apple’s MagSafe connector. (RIP MagSafe. I still miss you.) The part that attaches to the iPhone is really small. You could easily lose it if you’re not careful. Good thing you only need to think about that once.

clic magnetic cable unboxing actual cable

The cable looks durable so far thanks to its braided nature. Doing this CLIC Magnetic Cable unboxing was really nice when I got to the cable itself. I tried it out and so far its a hit-or-miss thing. Despite the reliability of the magnet itself, the charging would go on and off. I just wish they could improve on the charging part and maybe go for the Made for iPhone certification, I guess?

Anyway, that’s all for my unboxing and first impressions on the CLIC Magnetic Cable! For a cable that costs P999 for the Lightning cable version and P899 for the micro USB version, it’s worth a try. I just think that they should improve on the charging quality.

Are you planning on buying one? Do you think cables like these are useful for you? Sound off in the comments below!


16 thoughts on “CLIC Magnetic Cable Unboxing!

  1. I’m an Apple user too, so I know all too well how Apple’s cables can be frustrating especially when it is already been damaged, replacing it with the original one is also expensive. (I cry and miss my original wire too). Hope they can improve with this since I’m still second guessing buying one. ?

  2. Very helpful! Now I know what this looks like. I’m really gathering information from your posts since soon I’ll becoming an apple(phone) user. HAHA (fingers crossed; budgetting) lol.-Jay

  3. I see they also have something for Android? Haven’t tried but looks quite interesting, although I’m not completely sure what else it can do. Understandably though, you mentioned it’s an accessory. So perhaps I can forego it for now since I don’t have budget for it. Lol

  4. Actually heard of this already from my mechanical keyboard group because not having to detach the cable again and again would certainly help the keyboard’s port stay alive longer. And I’m actually looking into getting one if I could find a USB Mini version of it. Hope I don’t loose the tiny adapter for the device though. That might just render the cable pretty much useless.

  5. I. SHOULD. BUY. THIS. Can you give it to me instead? T_T I’ve been having trouble with my charger lately and the pesky cable is always so, well, pesky.

  6. I tried to used an Apple phone and when I lost my charger. I am really having trouble to find one. Since, most of my friends are using android phone. When I asked it to the apple store, OMG! The price is like buying an android phone. Hope they can look for another option about their charger. 🙂

  7. I’m an iPhone user but how come karun pako kadungog ani haha! ANyway, it’s an interesting cable lage because it’s magnetic but yah the charging part, mao untay pinaka gamit I guess at least for me. They shoudl really get a certifaction Made for iPhone jud diay haha!

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