

bcba 2016 thank you header

I never thought that I would get to this point. Blogging for me was simply just a hobby back in high school. I never really took blogging so seriously until late last year. At the time, I knew people who I met in college that are actively blogging. Those people inspired me to join a blogging group that would help me jumpstart my blogging career.

Enter the Cebu Blogging Community.

Despite my desire to learn more, I hesitated to join at first. I really wanted to know more but people might judge me there. Good thing I didn’t waver and went with it. Who would have known that I would get to the BCBA 2016? Let alone, win anything!

bcba 2016 awards night
Doing that Four-Eyed Laagan pose! 🙂

The 9th Best Cebu Blogs Awards (BCBA 2016) happened last November 27, 2016. It recognizes the best bloggers of this year in various niches. At first I thought it would feel nervous for most of the time, but I was fine after a few minutes. It helps when you have friends regardless of affiliation. Hehe.

I was with Rea of Blissful Snapshots and John of Four-Eyed Laagan who were both Finalists in their respective niches. Rea was a Finalist in the Photo Blog niche while John was in the Travel niche. We had a great time during the event! The best part was that none of us left without an award!

bcba 2016 hibsters winners
Award-Winning #HIBsters! Photo by Four-Eyed Laagan!

Congratulations to Rea for grabbing the Best Cebu Photo Blogger award and to John for getting Best Creative Writing in a Blog! Despite me being relatively new to the blogging scene, I actually bagged the Best Cebu Technology Blogger award!

bcba 2016 best cebu technology blog award
Really grateful but I know this is just the start.

I really can’t believe I got this award! It’s really an honor to receive this. Despite that, I realized one important thing. I shouldn’t let this get into my head. I know that this is just the beginning for me. Despite this success, I should keep pushing myself to greater heights. I should never settle with just this. Although I’ve reached this, I shouldn’t rest on my laurels. I should think different.


I’m forever grateful to the Cebu Blogging Community, particularly the great #HIBsters for being the support system that I need to get through this. I also want to thank my family, my girlfriend, and my friends for being there for me from the time this used to be a hobby until now.

After the event, we were hanging out with people! Hehe.

bcba 2016 hibsters fun
Rea, John and I just having this random selfie! 🙂
bcba 2016 cbs peeps
Hanging out with Lyssa Amor and Renz Decina (CebuGeek)

And that was it for the BCBA 2016! The unfortunate news is that I am not allowed to join next year’s Best Cebu Blogs Awards. Hehe. I hope you continue to read and support my blog! On to more blogging!

12 thoughts on “BCBA 2016: THANK YOU.

  1. Congrats to us!! Going there TBH was like facing a battle and we were like the trio army hahaha. It was a fun experience nonetheless and I’m happy we all went home with awards. True enough, this is not the end all-be all of our blogging life but only the beginning of something great.

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