
Thank You 2015!

thank you 2015 header

Forgive me for the chocolate insanity that is the cover image up top. Hehe. We decided to go with a different kind of round items.

So here we are now. The last day of 2015. A lot of things have happened to me this year. I am forever grateful for every moment and experience that I have been a part of.

I’m here again to thank the people who made my 2015 the best year yet! Starting off with…



Thank you guys sooooo much! I never expected to have new friends this year. Hehe. Even though we have different professions, we still manage to talk even just a bit. Thank you so much for letting me be with you guys in your trip. I really had fun. Yehey! 🙂


I’ve had a lot of moments shared with officemates this year! Lately, I’ve been tagging along with some officemates who like joining fun runs! I hope this will go on and on as 2016 is about to begin. Also, special shoutout to the Blue Screens Dance Battle Peeps! (Dinner sometime guys? Haha!) Thank you so much for giving me lots of kinds of experiences. 🙂



Thanks thanks Batch PHP! Although we rapidly shrank in number this year because there are those who got their greener pastures earlier, our bond still remains now. OUTING SOMEDAY PLEASE??? 🙁



Thank you so much for this great bond that we all have! No matter how far we are from each other, we’ll always have these fun and happy moments together! Christmas always seems to prove that point. Summer too! Hehe. Here’s to more Christmases with all of you 🙂



Thank you so much to the first people that I love soooo much! Without you guys, I wouldn’t grow up to be the person that I am today. I love you all so much and here’s to more years together! 🙂 I love you all! 🙂

SHAN. ♥️♥️♥️


Last but not least, a HUGE HUGE thank you to my better half. My babyyyy! I’m so grateful that you are in my life. You make me the happiest guy there is! Thank you for every single moment that we spent together. Here’s to more and more and more years my baby! I will always be here to support you and love you no matter what ha? I love you so much my baby! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

There you go! To those I haven’t mentioned here but made an impact in my life, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I also thank YOU, the reader, for taking the time to read my blog once in a while. Thanks for the support! For that, I give you all a thumbs up!



Have a great 2016 everyone!

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