This post is part of a series of posts I am doing for the DigitalPro Bootcamp organized by the Cebu Blogging Community ( in partnership with eStrat Media (, Global Hub Serviced Offices (, and Globe Prepaid ( Watch out for posts like this through the entire month of February!
I could just put that title and the header up there and leave it at that but I really wanna tell the story of what happened to me last night and what I’ve learned.
I left work early to go to what I thought was just a simple orientation on the Cebu Blogging Community. When I got there, I got that and then some. The one who gave me the orientation was Bjorn, one of the members who were there. He told me if I could stay for a while to check out what was happening. I was quite curious at the time, so I did.
From there, it was like I was already joining the event that happens to be what I’m talking about right now. I was so overwhelmed as to what was happening that I had to process all of this. It was just my first day and I had the chance to be better. I first hesitated.
I wasn’t sure of myself at the time because I still had to sink this all in. I already knew that I wanted to level up but not this soon. Thankfully, the leaders of the CBC there were considerate because I was able to join despite the fact that I already had prior appointments on one of the dates. I was so grateful to be given the opportunity to grow to be a good professional blogger.
I learned that the only way for you to grow is to just do it. It would be a waste if the opportunity presented itself and I wouldn’t take it just because I was hesitating. I knew that I had to move forward and take this.
Another thing I’ve learned is that you should treat the blog as a reflection of who you are. You should treat the blog not as a blog, but as a BRAND.
Brands don’t come out of nowhere. Building a brand starts by showing what the brand is all about and providing value to your target market. After that comes the key difference between good brands and bad: “word of mouth“. When good word of mouth spreads, people will come to realize the value of the brand and share it to even more people.
I really love it when the stuff I use everyday comes from a brand I know that I can trust. As an example, I have now been converted into the clout that is the Apple ecosystem. Based on testimonies from friends and extensive usage, I can say with confidence that Apple products are reliable and capable enough to serve my needs.

All in all, I really learned a lot during the first day of the bootcamp. Despite all the surprises, I really had fun with the topics presented and I hope to learn more in the coming sessions. And unlike yesterday, I’m ready to face the challenges head-on.
Here’s to more and more learning!
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