
3 Reasons to Get a Globe iPhone 7!

globe iphone 7 header

It’s already the holidays and you would want to give a smartphone to a loved one or a true blue techie. Why settle for less when you can get the best?

Were you convinced with my reasons to get a Smart iPhone 7? No? You really want to use Globe or currently invested in the Globe network?

Here are my 3 reasons you should get a Globe iPhone 7!

More Internet Content!

globe iphone 7 content
Globe’s FREE Content Offers for iPhone 7 Buyers! (Photo from Globe Telecom’s website)


Smart may have MORE data with their iPhone 7 Plans (Globe has 10GB for Plan 1999 compared to Smart’s 12GB for the same price) but Globe makes up for it by offering FREE internet content like Netflix for 1 month and NBA for 6 MONTHS! As a recent NBA fan, I am REALLY happy that this offer is out there for NBA fanatics! In fact, those 6 months can let you watch NBA games UNTIL The Finals! (if you get it NOW). If that’s not your thing, there’s always Netflix, Disney (for 6 months), HOOQ, and Spotify Premium! (for 3 months)

You get MORE in your myLifestyle Plan!

iPhone 7 Philippines Globe offers
From Globe’s website.

Sure, you’ll be paying the cashout for the iPhone 7 (P14,400 or P600/month for 24 months for 32GB) or iPhone 7 Plus (P21,600 or P900/month for 24 months for 32GB). The thing is, you actually get a lot when you get a Globe iPhone 7! The myLifestyle Plan 1999 has this to offer:

  • Unlimited Calls to Globe/TM
  • Unlimited Texts to ALL networks
  • P202 Consumable
  • FREE Gadget Care for 1 month

You actually get more considering you have 10GB of data + FREE internet content + those things I mentioned above!

Globe’s iPhone Experience.

globe iphone 7 experience

Of all the things I can say, this one’s actually the biggest reason why you should choose Globe. Despite Smart’s great network coverage, Globe has had the experience of working with Apple. It has been working hard to have the best iPhone experience since the second-generation iPhone, the iPhone 3G! If you weren’t really convinced with the first two reasons, this one will.

And that is it for my 3 reasons to get a Globe iPhone 7! Did I miss anything? Do you agree or disagree with my reasons? Sound off in the comments below!

4 thoughts on “3 Reasons to Get a Globe iPhone 7!

  1. What I love Globe is their fast internet. They have faster LTE connection than other telco.. but I will try to check out their plan soon..but not fan of iPhone.. hehe. hope they have other phones..

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