What Powers You, Lyssa Amor?

What Powers You? is a new post series featuring people from different walks of life. Because I have passed the time I devoted to posting for just CBC bloggers, I am now open to everyone!  I hope you enjoy this new series as much as I am when writing them. Here’s the feature on make-up artist and beauty/lifestyle blogger, Lyssa Amor.

When I arrived at the iFlix Hotspots event last April 20, I thought I was the first one to arrive. I got inside the venue, and I found someone who arrived earlier. Her name is Lyssa Amor.

I talked to her about her blog and what she does. She’s actually a make-up artist (and she’s really good at it based on her portfolio on her Facebook page and her blog) and a beauty & lifestyle blogger. I like her blog because it really puts herself front and center.

Since I wanted to know her a bit more on what powers her blogging, here’s a quick Q&A for her after the break.

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Q&A with Lyssa Amor:

What’s your blog all about?

My blog is mainly about beauty, but I also blog about food, travels, events, motherhood and my thoughts.

How does your blog represent you?

I’m a make-up artist, at first I blogged about my experience doing make-up for weddings and magazines, and I included my portfolio as well. Then I wanted to inspire others, so I converted it to a beauty blog where I can share tips about beauty, skincare and make-up.

Where do you usually get your ideas for your blog?

I usually get my ideas from my experiences. When I share about beauty products for example, I can’t just get ideas from the packaging, but mostly by experiencing the product itself. Then I can share about how I use it and what it has done to me during and after using it.

What gadgets power you in blogging and in everyday life?

Macbook Pro and iPhone 5s

lyssa amor gadgets

How has technology changed your life?

Technology has broadened my mind. It made me have a greater vision and goals in life. At first I thought of sharing my talent to my friends and people around me or let’s say within Cebu City (I’m from Cebu by the way). But because of technology, I can now share my talent to the world. And my dream is to inspire people around the world, wherever they are.

Favorite YouTubers?

Michelle Phan

#TeamiPhone or #TeamAndroid? Why are you on said team?

#TeamiPhone because it’s easier to use for me.

And there you have it. I didn’t give her a hard time with the Q&A since she was so busy when I asked her to do this. I am amazed at how she juggles her make-up artist life, blogger life, and her family life. Kudos!

If you wanna check her out, here’s where you can find her:

lyssa amor logo http://lyssaamor.asia/

Facebook: Get Poised by Lyssa Amor
Instagram: @lyssaamor | @makeupbylyssaamor
Twitter: @lyssaamor

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