What Powers You? is a new post series featuring people from different walks of life. I will first be featuring fellow bloggers who are part of the Cebu Blogging Community and hopefully I would be able to feature other prominent bloggers and maybe friends of mine because they’re just great people! I hope you enjoy this new series as much as I am when writing them.
I actually get surprised when people I am acquainted with in college are actually people who I mingle with in this thing called blogging. One example of that is Fueled By Caffeine, a blog created by best buddies Melanie Manso and Karen Lechoco. When I finally got the chance (or excuse haha) to interview them for a feature in this blog, I jumped at the opportunity to do so and find out what inspires them to blog and what tech powers their blogging. Here’s what I found out after the break.

What’s your blog all about?
Our blog, Fueled By Caffeine, serves as our creative outlet where we share our memorable travel adventures and food trip sessions. We also include our adventures in the blogosphere as well as bits of our life here in Cebu, Philippines.
How does your blog represent you?
It represents our principle in life: that enjoyment and happiness is a choice. That’s why our blog, and every post in it, has an upbeat, happy tone to it. We want our readers to associate our space as a go-to chill and fun place.
Where do you usually get your ideas for your blog?
We mostly get inspiration from our occasional travels and frequent food trips.
What gadgets power you in blogging and in everyday life?
Every blogger has their own essential gadgets for surviving in the blogging world. Some of ours include a Macbook Pro and iPhone 5s, Xiaomi Yi Sports Camera, Dell Inspiron 13 2-in-1 laptop-and tablet, Lenovo A6010 and of course, our Globe Tattoo Wifi Device.

How has technology changed your life?
Without question, everything has become simpler, faster and more convenient. Distance is not a barrier anymore for communication. Spreading of information and researching has also become more efficient.
Favorite YouTubers?
Rhett and Link! If you like funny music videos, sketches and ridiculous local commercials, you’ll love them too.

#TeamiPhone or #TeamAndroid? Why are you on said team?
Melanie: iPhone. Because I really like Apple products. They are simple to use and they last. Plus the quality of the phone’s camera is great. Most of the photos you see on this blog are taken from my iPhone 5s.
Karen: I own a Lenovo A6010, an Android phone. It suits my requirements: it’s light, sleek, not grand-looking but has reliable specs. It’s not too much and not too less for my regular needs. And I’m satisfied with its camera quality.
Thank you so much to Melanie and Karen of Fueled By Caffeine for taking the time to answer the questions and providing the images of your gadgets despite your busy schedules. I hope to have a collaboration with you guys someday!
If you are looking for new places to eat or hang out, you can be sure that Fueled By Caffeine can recommend some! Check out their site and follow them on Facebook and Instagram! Tell them that Utterly Random Techie sent you there. 🙂