Coffee Break: Apples and a Brique.

This post is part of Coffee Break, a post series dedicated to my random thoughts. It could be about anything under the sun
including current events, recent experiences, and just FULL-ON ranting. Enjoy the craziness.

So here I am enjoying a worthwhile dinner with family. It got me thinking. I know this post series is called “Coffee Break” but seemingly I’m finding myself not in a coffee shop for this one. Should I keep the name? Uhm. Yes. I made it clear that this was a post series dedicated to my random thoughts and so it really does not limit me to be in a coffee shop. The name stays. Now we got that out of the way, on to my thoughts.

These thoughts actually stayed longer than usual. After a week of seemingly wandering in my thoughts, last Monday’s Apple event took place. I have a lot to say about the Apple Watch right now since I already did separate posts on the new MacBook and Apple’s partnership with HBO for the new HBO Now service. Of course there’s the food part of this post so that it won’t just be about Apple. Here we go…


Apple Watch? Meh.

Yes. I said meh. Because that’s how I really feel with Apple Watch right now. What can I do with it that I can’t already do with the iPhone I have right now? Learning how to use my phone less and less? I have been using my phone less and less! You know how? DISCIPLINE. That’s how. Even though there are times where I really use the iPhone, I train myself not to mind too many notifications unless I know it’s really important (like a text from my girlfriend or family). Maybe I will grow to like the Apple Watch someday but there’s still a problem that’ll last for a while. Watches may be replaced as often or even more than smartphones but that’s because no matter what the design is, you’ll always know that keeping time is its core function and there is no need to “update” it at all. The Apple Watch will face a problem of obsolescence. What if the new one is really more capable? Can’t Apple just change the electronics, albeit for a small fee? (It would be small relative to how Apple does pricing because they always justify their premium quality.) This would be problematic especially for those people who’ll get the Edition version. (Price starts at $10,000 and goes upward to $17,000!!!! INSANITY!!!) I hope Apple figures this out quickly or else this will prove that a new product category cannot be successful in the Post-Steve Jobs Apple. I might get one just because I like how the fitness features work but there are always Fitbits which are cheaper than this Apple Watch. PLEASE Apple. PLEASE convince me that this is actually worth buying. I’m not saying that it’ll not be successful. I’m just saying what I’m saying because I want them to be more successful so that the doubters and the naysayers will be silenced.


A Trip to Brique.

Finally I got that rant out of the way! Whew! Now for that food-related part. Last Saturday night, I went back to one of my favorite restaurants with my family. It’s named Brique. It is located in Salinas Drive, Lahug, Cebu City (beside its sister restaurant, Chika-an sa Cebu). One of the reasons why I love this place is because of the ambience of the place. It has a mix of the old (because of the style of bricks) and new (modern-looking furniture).

Nice lamps they got there…
A look at their sofa and coffee table.

Of course I wouldn’t be talking about Brique without talking about their food! Yum! I love the desserts that we tried that time. One of them was this luscious Chocolate Mousse Jar. It’s simply to die for. Hehe.

Hehehe. Sorry for eating this! Haha! 😀 

You should also try their Truffled Shoestring Potatoes! They’re so good and it’s great for sharing! All in all, I can highly recommend Brique to people who just want a modern take on food. They’re open everyday from 10am to 11pm. You can call (032) 414 1720 for reservations. You won’t regret going here.

Whew! Got those all out. Now I have to go to sleep. Work awaits tomorrow! Also, I’m now attending driving school so expect some post about that. Haha. Until then. 🙂

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