FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
How did you start this blog?

This started out as one of my latest attempts at a personal blog.
After attending some blogging seminars, I decided in 2016 to focus my efforts on writing about tech.
It became Utterly Random Techie. I called it that because of how utterly random tech can be.
More than five years later, I realized that it doesn’t have to be that way.
Which is why I took out the random.
The blog is now called Utterly Techie!

It’s a blog that aims to make sense of the techie life. It could be about the gadgets you use in everyday life or all the tech that powers our online lives.
While I’ve been happy about changing the name, I was thinking about changing the logo itself. I started diversifying the kind of gadgets and tech I cover more in 2023. The thought of making that change really solidified at the end of the year, resulting to this:

Who is behind Utterly Techie?
Hi! It’s me, Jullian Robin Sibi.

I’m a 31-year-old software engineer who’s really passionate about tech, coffee, and podcasts!
Besides this tech blog, he does a weekly podcast called The Creator Life!
I need to contact you regarding gadget advice, press releases, or promote products and services. How do I contact you?
You can reach me through email at jullian@utterlytechie.com or on Twitter at twitter.com/utterlytechie.
My opinion pieces are biased in nature.
Sorry if I tend to love a brand more than the other. The reason for that is I have experienced using stuff that breaks easily or was unsatisfied by the service provider of the product. I try my best to just use constructive criticism, but I don’t hold back if it’s really bad.
I usually own the products I review.
This is something that I wanted to put out there. Most tech sites actually get review units so that they can make reviews. To be more transparent to you, I mention whether I got a review unit or if I purchased the device in recent reviews in 2021.
All links to Lazada are affiliate links.
Thanks to the previous principle, I find ways to earn extra through my blog. One way is through Lazada affiliate links. It would be nice if you click on them when you plan to buy something. I don’t want to surprise you if I post so many Lazada promotions here. (By the way, Lazada itself wouldn’t be possible without the internet anyway so it’s still tech in my book.)
Don’t make me give a good review when the product isn’t any good at all.
PLEASE. Just don’t.